About Us


Launched in 2019,  Eaglesupermart is a TDF-approved sex doll vendor, all dolls on our website are brand factory authentic licensed, working with 30+ sex doll brands and manufacturers. Sex doll lovers come to Eaglesupermart is to discover their dream lovers, learn about caring for TPE/silicone dolls.

Maybe you want a sexual experience where you don’t want to face your real partner or seek anonymity; maybe you do not have a suitable sexual partner or are unwilling to meet these needs through emotional relationships with others; maybe you’re exploring your sexual preferences and desires; or maybe you want safer sex without the risks of contracting an STD or other risks of finding a partner; at the same time, maybe you want a realistic and immersive experience.

We help you have a more authentic and enjoyable private experience. Sex is a crucial part of our nature, it’s at the core of our biology. Any adult interested in improving their overall health should consider buying sex dolls or sex toys without the unnecessary need to give anyone any explanation.

Love dolls empowering people to live happy, healthy lives. When our founder couldn’t find one brand to trust for all sex doll needs, we had to create this online sex doll shop. And we knew that there had to be others out there looking for sex dolls of authentic, best price & high quality. Our priority as a small company is your personal well-being and we aim to provide the best product that meets your needs. We care about your taste, your budget, your privacy, and of course, about your concerns when buying online. Our mission is to help individuals who are seeking a safe, private, and fulfilling sexual experience to find the perfect doll to meet their needs.